10 steps you should take now to protect your business from AI

A free webinar by AIgile

AI is going to impact businesses more than any other new technology. Whilst there are many upsides to adopting AI in your business, there are many risks too. Join us in this webinar to find out how to navigate your way through the AI revolution.

Join us for our free webinar. It’s important to register.

What: Safeguard your business from the AI revolution.

When: 2.00 pm on Tuesday the 28th May 2024

Duration: 45 mins.

With: Colin Cardwell, our Head of AI..

Who: CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CTOs, Heads of HR, Marketing, Sales, Business Leaders and Strategists.

Join our webinar to discover:

  • 10 steps to safely implementing AI in your business.

  • The nine risks of adopting AI in your business and how to overcome them.

  • Why a proactive approach is so important.

  • How to make the right AI tools and technology choices.

  • How to manage your people through the transition.

  • How to measure the performance of AI.

  • How the right approach will save you time and money.

Colin Cardwell
Head of AI

About the Presenter

With over 30 years of business leadership experience, Colin has taken his business through an AI Transformation.

Over the last two years, he and his team have reimagined the software design and development process by integrating AI into every step.

Colin now spends his time leading software development projects and working with in-house teams to help them through their AI transformation across all areas of business.